Aphids are tiny bugs, and as such, they remain virtually undetectable as they pierce and suck your plant's green leaves and stem. You likely won't even notice until you realize that the plant's ...
Aphids are generally the size of a flax seed and are typically green and black. While you usually find them in clusters on a ...
Crops Hutchinson, MN University of Minnesota Integrated Pest Management Specialist, Bruce Potter from Lamberton reports that Soybean Aphid numbers continue to ...
Your description sounds like you have a problem with whiteflies and a population big enough that it requires treatment. Despite their name, they resemble moths more than flies and are a common ...
measure stem height and count the number of larvae per stem Pea aphid Collect a minimum of 30 stems per field and count the number of aphids and beneficial insects present per stem ( e.g. lady beetles ...