One of the most attractive and fascinating birds to visit our feeders is the Northern flicker. They’re big and handsomely marked. When a flicker lands on the feeder, it gets your immediate ...
These two holes were intended as an entry and exit for a kind of northern flicker condo in faux wood resin material, created by persistent stealth pecking after the writer took down to old ...
There are over a dozen species of flicker, living in various parts of the Americas. The species we see here is call the northern flicker. This species occurs over most of North America, plus Central ...
Alabama’s Northern Flicker, or Yellowhammer, became the state bird in 1927 thanks to its Civil War history. Alabama soldiers famously wore yellowhammer feathers in their caps, symbolizing ...
For a month now, these three species have been sharing the woods with an overwintering male flicker. It’s the red-bellied, though, that’s the most aggressive even though the flicker is a larger bird ...
Houston says it's likely northern flickers causing the problem. They're slightly bigger than a robin, he said, and need a bigger space for nesting. "Compared to the other woodpeckers ...
One of the most attractive and fascinating birds to visit our feeders is the Northern flicker. They’re big and handsomely marked. When a flicker lands on the feeder, it gets your immediate ...