The topic of 21st century teaching at District 423 likely conjures images of laptops, SMART boards connected to computers and fancy handheld devices. While that’s certainly part of 21st ...
Therefore, educating them for the 21st century requires teaching them how to learn ... There are many ways in which teachers can design instruction to promote learning with others. Students can ...
Imagine your son or daughter watching a political debate and fact checking the statements made by the candidates while commenting on a class discussion via Schoology being led by his or her ...
If you study academic plans for schools in your area, you likely will hear about 21st century learning skills. Many schools embrace “portraits” or “profiles” of learners and graduates that ...
"We see games as the liberal arts of the 21st century,” said Glenn Platt, C. Michael Armstrong Chair in Interactive Media and director of the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies (AIMS). ...
design thinking emerges as a powerful and transformative tool that can re-energise our schools and empower every learner by fostering 21st-century skills, or the 6Cs as it is popularly referred to.