USDA, bird flu

The blanket firing of Department of Agriculture scientists has thrown a host of climate science and crop projects into chaos.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has suspended a college scholarship program for students from rural and underserved ...
Also caught up in the job cuts was Ron Gregory. He worked for a USDA plant protection and quarantine office in Wyoming, but ...
IA USDA Layoffs ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture will release approximately $20 million in funding for previously approved contracts that ...
Last week thousands of federal employees were fired, hitting the United States Department of Agriculture offices in Ames ...
A vaccine could help stop the spread of bird flu in poultry after millions of birds have died from the virus in the past few ...
Roughly a dozen employees were let go this month at the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas, as part of the ongoing reduction of the federal workforce.