Set in 1940s Mexico City, it follows an American expat named Lee (played by Daniel Craig) who becomes infatuated with a younger man, Eugene Allerton (played by Drew Starkey). The film explores themes ...
Sebastian Stan’s Trump portrayal is also rewarded after the film had a hard time getting distribution, while Marianne ...
In one of the more wide-open Oscar fields in recent history, there were plenty of nominations surprises Thursday.
It’s been a wide open Oscar race for most of the year, but some front-runners have emerged over the last few months, ...
Where are Angelina Jolie and Selena Gomez? No "A Real Pain" in best picture? All the stars and movies snubbed for 2025 Oscar nominations.
Sebastian Stan's and Jeremy Strong's nominations at the Oscars were just as surprising as Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig's ...
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