We offer thousands of quality products in store with over 1,000 well-known brands in 17 shopping categories including food and drink, health and beauty, household, gardening, DIY, pet, stationery, …
We offer thousands of quality products in store with over 1,000 well-known brands in 17 shopping categories including food and drink, health and beauty, household, gardening, DIY, pet, stationery, books, DVDs and toys. Within the UK we've rolled out clothing to over 500 of our larger stores, offering women's, men's and kids' fashion and bringing new style to our stores with simple low pricing on family fashion that's hard to find on local high streets. We offer chilled and frozen food in over 450 locations, and since September 2023, customers nationwide have been able to shop online at our website.
Frequently asked questions
How do I register and log in for an account for the Poundland Perks App?
It’s easy to register for the Poundland Perks app. You’ll just need to download the app and then follow the simple steps to register.